Photo jobs on the Web

By Andrew Hudson Published: July 20, 2011 Updated: August 28, 2012

By Andrew Hudson Published: July 20, 2011 Updated: August 28, 2012

Photopreneur has a nice article describing how photography schools see the Web as a main driver of photography job growth.

“Technology has become so great, everyone can purchase a camera, but not everyone has the experience to go along with it. One of the big engines of growth, driving demand, is the Web. Today, over half of work goes onto the Web. The Web is starved for content, particularly rich media.”
— Allie Dennis, marketing manager for the Boston University Center for Imaging Arts.

“There’s … never been a better time to be a photographer. The price of equipment is falling even as the quality improves. The walls that kept out talented enthusiasts are collapsing, giving part-timers a chance to bring their talent to market. If print is feeling squeezed, it’s only because the Web has stolen its readers — and the Web has an insatiable demand for images.”
— Dean at, 7/20/11

Source: Photopreneur

Next page: Google+ for photographers

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